2. Remote access

After you have purchased ViCANlog, you will get your username, password and a port number from us. This manual uses ViCANlog with Adlink as host as an example to demostrate how to remote access ViCANlog from your local PC.

Tools we used in this example are:

  • A laptop ( Windows 10, 64bit)

  • SSH client software. Bitvise SSH client is used.

  • VNC(Virtual Network Computing) software, the open source remote access software. Real VNC Viewer is used.

You can also use any other open source SSH client and VNC software. The basic configuration is similar to the one we are using in this example. We need to open a SSH tunnel to the ViCANlog and then use the VNC viewer to access the ViCANlog remotely.

Below image illustrates the concept of the remote access.


In this exmaple, we use Bitvise SSH client software, you can download the software from here. Below is a screenshot of the default login window:


You need to type the port number, username and password Zuragon has sent you and then go to the tab C2S and double click on the first row and type the List. Port, the Destination Host and the Dest. Port. Below image shows the port 5900 on the local PC will listen to the port 5900 on ViCANlog.


Then click on Login button. For the first time, you need to allow the SSH key authentication from Bitvise. After you have logged in successfully, two windows will be popped up automatically. One is the SFTP window where you can exchange files between your local PC and the remote ViCANlog. Another one is the termial window.


Now you can open the VNC viewer. Below image is the RealVNC Viewer. Just type in the port on your local PC which was configured for listening on ViCANlog. You can download the software from here.


Click to open the window:


You will see the ViCANlog software running on the ViCANlog unit. Most of the functionality of ViCANlog software is similar to ViCANdo, please refer to the ViCANdo manual if you are not familar with ViCANdo.

From File->Settings, Application tab, there are few checkboxes for the project you may want to enable if you want ViCANlog to start recording automatically when ViCANlog starts. From File->Reboot ViCANlog you can reboot the ViCANlog remotely.


You can setup the sources(such as camera, lidar, radar, CAN, Ethernet buses etc.) connected to your ViCANlog host, any trigger conditions and save the project and configure ViCANlog to start the project and record automatically when it boots. Use the SFTP window to “download” the sessions/logs from ViCANlog to your local PC and import it into your ViCANdo for analysing.